BCA Experten -

Damian Kridlo

Year of birth 1975

  • Trainer since 2000, coach since 2018
  • Main focus: intercultural topics, Business English, coaching on personality development & interpersonal topics as well as change, team development
  • Education: Actuarial science & marketing in Philadelphia, Lyon & Hamburg
  • Further education: certified telc-examiner & assessor (The European Language Certificates)
  • Languages: English (native speaker), French, German

Contact with people from all different economic sectors is a permanent enrichment for me as a trainer and my drive to provide them with the best possible support so that they improve their linguistic and interpersonal competencies as well as attain secureness and self-confidence. Intercultural topics, or the combination of language with cultural background, constitute one of my main areas of focus. Learning should be fun, as it definitely holds true for me; I communicate things with a modicum of humour and with respect to the particular industry or setting – in the languages of German, English or French.

“Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to think about things.” Flora Lewis